Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Welcome back to Texas!

Let me be the first to say it:

Welcome back to Texas, W!

Not that I really want you here. I just really, really, really, really don't want you there anymore. You've made such a disaster of things. Time now to step back, slowly back away from the presidency, and let a real man clean up your mess.

I know, by the way, that you're not really from here. You're from Connecticut or Maine or one of those states up there. But if it gets you to leave DC, I'll concede the point and make you an honorary Texan. Just get on that plane already!

Guess I'll have to retire the Impeach W web site. Sold more items to myself than anyone else anyway. Will have to scrape the stickers off my bumper too. But that's OK. Just come on home now!

loyal citizen and patriot

PS- Thanks also for moving to Dallas. I never did like that city, and now you're giving me one more reason to stay away.

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