Friday, January 9, 2009

BCS stands for..

Let me see if I've got this straight..

Florida beat Okrahoma by ten points on a neutral field, and they did the victory formation down the stretch.

Texas beat Okrahoma by ten points on a neutral field, and they did the victory formation down the stretch.

Utah beat every team they faced, including several very good ones.

Texas had only one loss, on the road, while facing their fourth consecutive top-11 team.

Florida had only one loss. At home. To whom? Ole Miss. What was their ranking again? Oh.

Utah lost to, well, nobody.

So the national champion is.... Wait a minute. Who? Really?

time for a history lesson:

a Boot-licking Coin Scam was created to ensure equal chances at big money for all... I mean to arrange some kind of fair distribution of treasure among... Hold on, let me start over.

a Behemoth Collegiate Shakedown was designed to make sure the one school in the country that was the very best at hiding the fact that they compensate their amateur... I mean the very best at conning recruits into... Bear with me a minute, I'll get this right.

a bunch of smart people got together and planned a Bogus Cartel of Sport to certify that the very best ones in the country at convincing a handful of young men to become super-obese in the hopes that one day they will... Darn it, let me try again.

this Business of Colossal Stupidity has been in place for some years now, and every single year they have bestowed their fancy crown on an undisputed national... I mean everyone always agrees that the best college football team is... One more time; I'm sure I'll get it right.

the system of choosing a Bull$h!t Champion by Secret-ballot was deemed to be the most fair way to commandeer huge piles of cash from young athletes' celebrity before allowing them to... I mean of course educating them to ensure their futures after being all used up by... Um. OK, last time.

again, it is obvious to all who have at least two brain cells firing that the purpose of the Bankrolled Competition Syndicate... I mean the system for allocating Booty to Coaches by Show-of-hands... I mean the only fair way is to have a Ballot of Copious Song-and-dance to decide the... Well, clearly the Bigtime Copywriters Snowjob is the only way to...

Sorry, but I have absolutely no idea why the Bill-of-goods Challenge for Specie was created nor what its purpose is.

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